Stylo is a semantic text editor designed and produced by the Canada Research Chair in Digital Textualities team, under the GPL-3.0 license.

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The project #

More than a tool, Stylo is a philosophy of text. It’s based on the idea that we need to design textual models adapted for writing in the humanities and social sciences (SHS).

It is designed and created to write scientific texts, and in particular adapted for SHS journals.

It is currently a prototype tool under development, implemented in the editorial chain of several journals as part of the [Revue 2.0] partnership project ( The tool is also used by various authors and students for their own scientific or institutional work.

Stylo can be used online through the address This version of Stylo is deployed and maintained by Huma-Num, who provides data backup and security.

Stylo's source code is available on Github.

Stylo-sophy #

Stylo, a WYSIWYM text editor for the humanities, is designed to change the entire digital editorial chain of scholarly journals in the humanities and social sciences.

Despite being essential for digital dissemination, structuring documents and their markup are steps usually postponed until the end of the editorial chain, when in reality they should be considered from the beginning of the process (by the author and from the first revision of articles). In this sense, it seems urgent and consistent to reintegrate the markup work and text structuring from the beginning of the editorial chain.

Stylo’s philosophy is based around putting the management of markup in the hands of researchers by addressing their competencies; researchers possess more semantically oriented skills, rather than graphic knowledge.

Editing is based on the separation between semantic markup and graphic display, which allows the author to focus on the meaning of the text rather than its formatting.

Stylo offers a free solution that is based on standards (markdown, yaml, BibTex) allowing for:

  • Production of well-marked text with rich metadata and a structured bibliography
  • Production of multiple outputs (PDF, HTML, XML, ODT…) from just one document

Stylo is a tool that implements formats and existing conversion technologies. These technologies are already used in the community, which enables free circulation of documents that are not enclosed in a particular format.

Contributors #

The researchers participating in the project are as follows:

Developers #

Partners #